Survey Results

From a rider survey, we gained powerful insights into how Danny’s Ride is making a difference.

From the riders:

“Danny’s Ride has been the best thing in the world. Before it was very nerve wracking trying to find a ride. I have no license and I live 40 minutes away from the testing facility. I would constantly worry about going back to jail if I couldn’t make it to a test. Having Danny’s Ride has been a huge benefit. I would not have been able to complete the treatment court program without Danny’s Ride being available to me.”

“Danny’s Ride helped me attend NA meetings when I moved to Allentown and helped me make it to and from work and interviews.”

“I didn’t have to walk in the cold and snow which is a big support for me as I have a lot of physical issues.”

Key survey highlights

General riders reported:

  • 98% said that Danny’s Ride helped them
  • 89% rated Danny’s Ride 5 out of 5 when asked to rate how helpful it was
  • 86.5% would not have been able to get to their appointment without Danny’s Ride

Treatment court (one of our pilot programs) riders said the rides helped:

  • 93%: Achieve and maintain sobriety through access to (any or all of): AA/NA, Outpatient Treatment and Drug Testing
  • 71%: Save money needed for other expenses such as rent, food, children by getting a free ride
  • 57%: Avoid program extension for not meeting mandated requirements

Workforce development (another pilot program) riders reported:

  • 92%: receiving a ride made getting and/or keeping a job easier for them